For Those Who Served

This is a tribute to all our classmates who proudly served our country.  We thank you all for your dedication and service.

Although this site singles out those who served in the military, recognition and gratitude belong to all of us who served as teachers, health care professionals, scientists, missionaries, entertainers and those who contributed to our economy and the welfare of others, providing commodities and services that make this a great country.

Those who served:

Charles Anderson, U. S. Naval Air Charles J. MacDonald, U. S. Army
Richard Anderson, U. S. Army       National Guard
Robert N. Backman, U. S. Navy Bruce MacGregor, U. S. Naval Reserves
Albert L. Bartoloni, U. S. Army
John F. Boc, U. S. Army John F. Magee, U. S. Army National Guard.
Joseph P. Boyd, U. S. Army Edward H. Marchant, U. S. Army Reserves
Arthur P. Brooks, U. S. Naval Seabees John A. Mathieson, U. S. Coast Guard Res.
Richard Brown, U. S. Air Force David McCloskey, U. S. Navy
Kevin F. Brosnan, U. S. Navy Richard McCulley, U. S. Navy
Martin Butler, U. S. Army Francis McKiernan, U. S. Navy
Robert Carey, U. S. Army Donald McNally, U. S. Naval Reserves
Charles E. Casey, U. S. Navy Rich McNeice, U. S. Army
James J. Chaisson, U. S. Air Force William McNulty, U. S. Army
John Chaisson, U. S. National Guard Peter J. Morris, U. S. Army Reserves
Alan S. Cohen, U. S. Army Reserves Dennis Morrison, U. S. Army
Stephen T. Coolen, U. S. Air Force Ralph C. Morse, U. S. Marine Corps (Ret,)
Marty J. Curry, U. S. Navy Kevin V. Murphy, U. S. Army
Jack D'Angelo, U. S. Air Force Peter Murphy, U. S. Army
Gary A. DeCoste, U. S. Army Paul F. Nardone, U. S. Marine Corps
Robert C. Deshler, U. S. Naval Seabees Gregory Newton, U. S. Army Reserves
John J. Devlin, U. S. Air Force Frank Norton, U. S. Army National Guard
John F. Drake, U. S. Army Robert P. Paone, U. S. Navy
William J. Earley, U. S. Naval Reserves Donald M. Patterson, U. S. Air Force
James J. Fallon, U. S. Navy Richard J. Pedrelli, U. S. Air Force
Robert Fleming, U. S. Navy Edmund A. Perreault, U. S. Navy
Wayne S. Franzoni, U. S. Navy John Poutree, U. S. Navy
Roger Frechette, U. S. Army John A. Randall, U. S. Air Force
George S. Gale, U. S. Marine Corps Chandler J. Robbins, Jr.,
William J. Gavin, U. S. Navy      U. S. Marine Corps
Raymond C. Giachetti, U. S. Navy Nick Rucky, U. S. Army Reserves
Joseph N. Gildea, U. S. Navy Leonard G. Sanderson, U. S. Marine Corps
Robert Gillis, U. S. Navy Irving Shachat, Israeli Infantry Res,
Alan P. Gnospelius, U. S. Army Randall Sleeth, U. S. A. R. Technical
Kenneth J. Grippi, U. S. Naval Seabees      Intelligence
Daniel J. Haley, U. S. Army Matthew F. Smith, U. S. Navy
David A. Hansen, U. S. Navy Michael J. Smith, U. S. Navy
Kenneth B. Highfield, Army National Guard Christopher Sorrento, U. S. Navy
Albert F. Histen, U. S. Army John H. Steidinger, U. S. Air Force
Jerome P. Hourin, U. S. Marine Corps Frank M. Stewart, U. S. Navy
Alfred F. Johnson, U. S. Army Kevin E. Sullivan, U. S. Army
Stephen J. Kalish, U. S. Army
P. David Sullivan, U. S. Army
Thomas Kiley, U. S. Army
John C. Sumner, U. S. Army
Joseph Kovlaski, U. S. Navy Stephen E. Tibbetts, U. S. Army
James LaBrecque, U. S. Air Force Jerry Tisdell, U. S. Air Force
Edward P. Leahy, U. S. Navy
Dennis Volpe, U. S. Naval Reserves
Cynthia Lindahl (Virusky), Army Nurse Corps
William Waterman, U. S. Air Force
Robert M. Lombard,  U. S. Army Reserves Robert J. Weafer, U. S. Army Reserves
  Walter W. Young, U. S. Naval Seabees
  Joseph J. Zona, U. S. Navy
Those who died in service:

David F. G. Meagher, United States Marine Corps

James A. Stark, United States Air Force

Jim's name is on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Virtual Wall, Panel 35E, Line 27, in Washington, D.C., and the Massachusetts Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Worcester.

Jim and David's names are inscribed on the base of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Clock Tower at Marina Bay in Quincy, and on the Memorial in Mount Wollaston Cemetery.


The Vietnam Veterans Memorial is a national monument in Washington, D.C. honoring members of the U.S. armed forces who fought in the Vietnam War, service members who died in service in Vietnam/South East Asia, and those service members who were unaccounted for (Missing In Action) during the War.

The Vietnam Veterans Memorial stands as a symbol of America's honor and recognition of the men and women who served and sacrificed their lives in the Vietnam War. Inscribed on the black granite walls are the names of more than 58,000 men and women who gave their lives or remain missing. Yet the Memorial itself is dedicated to honor the courage, sacrifice and devotion to duty and country of all who answered the call to serve during the longest war in U. S. history.

The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Clock Tower at Marina Bay was dedicated in 1987.  The Clock Tower is an 85 foot high structure of brick and granite with a gold leaf cupola and a working clock.  The base of the tower is 16 feet by 16 feet and is dedicated to the memory of Quincy men who died from wounds suffered during the war in Vietnam.  Their names are inscribed in granite at the base of the tower.




 Additional classmate's names will be added as they join our site and provide information about their military service.  If you have information about the military service of any of our deceased classmates, please let me know.
Post a comment on a classmate's profile if you wish to share a thought or memory.