Contacting Classmates
Contacting Classmates
You can contact any classmate who is registered on the website by clicking on the Classmate Profiles link on the left of the Home Page, scrolling down and clicking on the classmate’s name.
Here you can see their picture(s), profile and Recent Comments posted.
If you want to send a message to a classmate, you can post the message here on their Profile page. You can also send them a private message (that no one else can see) by clicking on Send a Private Message under their photo.
Once you’ve made contact with another classmate, you can exchange private e-mail addresses if you wish. However, we encourage use of this website to foster communication between classmates and to reacquaint ourselves with all classmates.
Classmates can make comments on various items throughout your Profile. (If you prefer others not comment on your Profile, you can remove the ability to comment by clicking Edit Profile under MEMBER FUNCTIONS, and turning off the Classmate Comments feature.)
A Latest Interactions follows the Recent Comments section. This is an aggregation of interactions made around the web site. (Note: this section does not display behavioral tracking. For instance, where you go and what you do on the site is private and not listed here.)
Deleting Messages
If you want to delete a message, hold your cursor over the message and a red x Delete will pop up. Click on Delete and the message will be removed.
Just a Reminder About Comments
If you wish to keep a comment just between you and another classmate, use the Private Comments option.
Our North Quincy User and Classmate Forums and messages to classmates are intended for reconnecting with old friends and making new ones. All of us on the Reunion Committee welcome and encourage your use of these sites to share memories and stories as well as providing updates on our lives since leaving North Quincy High School.
If you are including the name of another classmate, be sure that you are not infringing on their privacy.
Please use good judgment when posting messages. Personal attacks, political and religious messages, as well as inappropriate language will be removed immediately.