Not a member?
Find and click on your name.


•   John F. Boc  10/22
•   Deborah (Debby) Dearth (Attiliis)  10/24
•   Joan Welch (Sacchetti)  10/24
•   Janice E. Goode (Palermo)  10/26
•   Arleeta Petrosius (Chiminiello)  10/29
•   Marie E. Hedin (Pereto-Hedin)  10/31
•   Barbara A. White (Cutting)  11/2
•   C. Stephen Bressler  11/3
•   Mildred Curreri (Warner)  11/4
•   Nancy R. Morrissey  11/4
•   Elena Dworkin (Wright)  11/6
•   Pam Murphy (Guest) (Peterson)  11/6
•   Frances M. Clark (Vucci)  11/7
•   George T. Clarke  11/11
•   Jeanne Santoro (Murray)  11/12
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Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 51.6%

A:   210   Joined
B:   197   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)

North Quincy High School
Class Of 1964

To date, our classmates have visited this site over 117,000 times!

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Click CONTACT US to Send
Missing Classmate Information


Hi Classmates,

Welcome to our North Quincy High School Class of 1964 website.  It’s hard to believe that it’s been  60 years since we graduated from North Quincy High.

Our class list contains 520 names, although four did not graduate with us. And, sadly, 114 are deceased.

This site was created on October 8, 2013, in preparation for our 50th class reunion in 2014.  We celebrated our 50th Class Reunion on the weekend of September 19 to 21, 2014.  You can view all the pictures on the Reunion site on the left.

Your Reunion Committee:

Linda (Perry) Cibotti ~ Elaine (Cedrone) Egan ~ Virginia Garland
Diane (Mulcahy) Malmgren ~ Paula (Kelly) Mazzone
Jeanne (Santoro) Murray ~ Nancy (Hatfield) Savage ~ Ellen (Spring) Staff
Sandy (Leach) Volpe ~ Linda (Thornell) Wainwright
Janice (Nolan) Zellen

To navigate the Site Pages, hold your cursor over a site page, and click on it to open it.  If there is an arrow next to the site, there will be a related link, which you can access by moving your cursor over that site, and again, clicking on it.  (To return to the last page you visited, click on the arrow on the left of your browser.  You can also click on any site page.)  If you’re curious about any link on the site, just click on it!  There isn’t anything on our site that will wreck your computer; and you can’t do any damage to the site.  Relax and enjoy!


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By all means, look around our website:  It's free, easy and no one knows your're looking!  But why not join us and see what your classmates have been up to since high school.  You can share as little or as much infomation about yourself as you choose.

To gain access to every page on your class website, you must register first (If you have privacy concerns, click on the Privacy Concerns link here or from the Home Page site.)  To register, click on the JOIN HERE in the Members Log-In Box on the top right side of the site.  Scroll down the “1964 Missing Classmates” list (all classmates are listed as “missing” until they join), and click on your name.  You should get a "Join Here" box.  Click on "click here now" to log in by entering your e-mail address and a password; then create your profile, and enter your current contact information.  (If your name does not appear on the “missing” list, send a message via the Contact Us link here or from the Home Page, and I’ll add your name.) 

You can also share personal updates, memories, photos and videos with your classmates on this website.  And you can go back and make changes any time you like(Post pictures of your family, house, pets, car, a special occasion and vacations!)

            ...Stretch Yourself...
    Think Outside The Box...

After you have registered, I will be notified and will upload your yearbook photo to your profile.  If you want, I will also upload any photos you want to your profile; just e-mail them to me via the Contact Us link here or from the Home Page.

This website was designed to promote, celebrate and reconnect with all classmates of North Quincy High who graduated in 1964.  If you did not graduate with us (maybe you moved away and graduated from another school), but would like to join our site as a guest, please use the Contact Us link to send us your name (including your maiden name if applicable), and let us know why you want to join our site.

We didn't have the "computer advantage" when we were growing up, so many of us are a little timid when approaching this website.  With that in mind, further help and information is available on the following links from the Home Page Site:  (Just click on the link to go to the page!)

And take a tour of our site pages below for more information!

E-mail notifications from this website:  For those of you with spam blocking or e-mail filtering capabilities, please add to your e-mail account as a safe sender to be able to receive communications from this website, unless you’ve opted-out of receiving e-mails.  (We are getting some “bounce back” e-mails from several of you, and don’t want you to miss receiving e-mails from this site.)

And please don't forget:

If you have any suggestions or ideas for the website, click on the Suggestion Box to go to the Contact Us site.  Your participation is essential for it to be successful! 

Send us prom, graduation, group or individual photos and other memorabilia from our school days!  Post pictures of your family, pets, vacations, etc. on your profile!

We are still trying to connect with 229 classmates, so please let other classmates know about our site and encourage them to join.

To update your e-mail address or other information on your profile so we can keep in touch.  (Classmates will automatically receive an e-mail from this site every six months reminding them to update their profile.) 


Scroll down so you don't miss anyting!
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Now let’s take a tour of the Site Pages on the left side of the Home Page:

Seasonal and changeable information is generally posted on sites following this Home Page.  Click on the site to access; click on the left arrow in your browser to return to this page.

(Click on any of the links below to go to that site.)

Classmates Profiles follows, along with links to Those Who Served (classmates who indicated they served in the military) and Married Classmates (1964 classmates who married classmates from ’64).  Check out the websites for our classmates on Classmate Links.

(If you haven’t already done so, check out the Contacting Classmates link from the Home Page for more information on this site.)

Take a moment to visit the In Memory Site (by clicking on the picture below), which contains a list of all known deceased classmates and teachers, and the year they died, if known.  The rose indicates an obituary or memory has been posted to their page; the flag indicates they were in the military.

Although it is unfortunate that we have lost 89 of our classmates, we can help keep their memory and spirit alive by posting a funny story or a kind remembrance on the In Memory site.  Just click on the site, scroll down and click on the classmate's name. Through each one of us, we can keep their candle burning.

If you have information regarding a classmates passing
and feel it should be shared, please let us know by using the "Contact Us" link from the Home Page.

Click on the cork board above to visit the Message Forum, an on-going dialogue between classmates.  There are no items, topics, subtopics, etc.  Click the “Post Response” button to add your comments or start a new subject.  Get going and connect with your classmates!

Next is 1964 Missing Classmates; click on this link to see a list of classmates who have not joined our site.  If you know the whereabouts of any classmate, invite them to join us!  (Also check out the 1963 Missing Classmates list to see if you remember anyone that class is trying to locate, and use the Contact Us link from the Home Page to let me know.)

Donations lists classmates who made contributions to keep this site running until October 14, 2019, and provide scholarships for NQHS students.

Help Us Out, by sending us pictures or other memorabilia from our school days to post on this site and share with other classmates.

  The next sites contain memories, photos and fun stuff from our school years.

Check out Past Stats and 1964 History and Videos!



  • Notify Me allows you to select if and when you want to be notified by email when changes are made on the site.

  • The Message Center feature displays the number of and a list of messages sent to you (inbox) or from you (outbox) from other classmates.  Clicking on Profile will take you to the classmate's profile page.  Click on the subject to see the entire message.  Click on the Red X to delete a message.

  • You can Edit Contact Information, Edit Your Profile and post/delete pictures.  Make sure you click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page when you have finished!

  • You can also Change Your Password and Log Out from here.

Explore the Site Pages on the right side of the Home Page:

Check to see if you have any Messages From Classmates(This box only appears when you have a message.)


Look and see what’s been added or changed in Classmates Profile Updates.

Click on the Where Are They Now Site, scroll down and click on a classmate’s name, and you’ll be taken to their profile page.

If you know a Missing Classmate’s e-mail, click on that site, and invite them to join us.

Check out the Upcoming Birthdays site and send a birthday wish


to these "old folks" via their profile page by clicking on the owls.

Check out the Where We Live site; click on a state to find out who lives there, or click on Show Classmates on a Map, then click on the map marker to view classmates living in that area.

Turn on your speakers and click on Rewind, a 1 minute historical daily audio segment.

Check out This Day In History and click on the Featured Daily Audio.