60th Reunion


Thanks to all the classmates who were able to attend our 60th reunion and help to make it a success!

We had a lot of positive feedback about the reunion at the Boston Winery:  The venue was great, the variety of food catered by Venezia was wonderful and varied, and the Winery’s staff was attentive and very helpful.     

And thank you to all the classmates who came from far away and out of state; your efforts to be with us were appreciated. 

It was great seeing everyone, reminiscing about high school and catching up on our lives since then and now; even if we didn’t get a chance or a lot of time to talk with some of you.

Paula, thanks so much for making all the site and catering arrangements, making the centerpieces for the tables and decorations for the hall, and collecting and allocating the money.  I know you spent many hours on the phone tracking down classmates and encouraging them to come to the reunion.  Yours was truly the most frustrating and challenging responsibility of all, and you did a great job!

Thanks to Sandy for putting together the fantastic video presentation.  It was terrific seeing all those great pictures!   Also, for making the incredible souvenir bookmarks.  You are so talented!

And thanks to all the committee members who pitched in to help with the reunion.

Sorry we missed so many classmates who were unable to join us. 

Thanks so much for all your generous comments about the site.   And, thanks to the generous donations of classmates, we’ll be able to maintain the website beyond the current three-year subscription. 

Sandy posted a video of the reunion on the Message Forum, but don’t hesitate to share your photos (or memories) with us.  Sandy’s video can be viewed by clicking on the following link and clicking on the video when it appears:

60th Reunion.mp4 - OneDrive

In conclusion, help us out by contributing to the site with messages, photos, comments and suggestions about what you’d like to see on your site.  Also, by contacting classmates and encouraging them to join us.  Maybe we can get more classmates to join.  This site has been a wonderful tool to renew friendships and find out what they’ve been up to.   

Finally, thank you, thank you, and thank you!